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Група „Answer 51“ получи наградата на Съюза на Българските художници

May 14, 2019

Софийската група  „Answer 51“ получи наградата на Съюза на Българските художници в изложбата с конкурсен характер „Продължавай“. Тя е сформирана от 8 творци- Константин КостовТрепка Петкова, Яна СтойчеваМирослав МироновМарта РайхелСеверина ЕневаМая Стойкова, Тина Хамзе.   


April 24, 2019

Изложба живопис „EU* Erotica Universalis“ / “Универсална еротика“ се открива на 25 април от 18.00 ч. в плевенската галерия „Дориан“ на ул. „Цар Симеон“ 12. Това е второто представяне на експозицията на творческата група „Answer 51“. Младите автори Константин Костов, Яна Стойчева, Трепка Петкова, Мирослав Миронов, Марта Райхел, Мая Стойкова, Тина Хамзе и Северина Енева са били студенти на проф. Андрей Даниел в Националната художествена академия. Те показват рисунки, в които освобождават нови мисли и художествени трансформации по темата. „Пред какво е изправен човекът, който възприема и преживява еротичното? Дали това е понятие, което разумът осмисля, или е усещане, което не може да бъде описано, а само изживяно, изфантазирано, мечтано и непредвидимо?“, коментира по повод изложба Валентин Славеев.

След първата си експозиция – „We never think of the future, it comes soon enough“ / „Никога не мислим за бъдещето, то идва достатъчно бързо“, провокирана от мисъл на Айнщайн, художниците от групата насочват вниманието си в посока на еротичното със своя втори проект. Обединението им е създадено през 2016 г., като основния двигател на проектите е Константин Костов. Името „Answer 51” лесно може да заблуди, че авторите, които седят зад него, имат намерението да дават отговори чрез своето изкуство. Противно на очакванията, те провокират, споделят общи концепции, както и индивидуалните си виждания по дадена тема. Числото „51“ пък идва от номера на ателието в Художествената академия, което е поводът за срещите и разговорите за изкуство на младите живописци.

В новия си проект талантливите творци навлизат безстрашно в темата за универсалната еротика. Търсят, като изследователи, в дебрите на непознатото, въоръжени с наблюдателност, знания и интуиция. И чувство за изпълняване на дълг към човечеството. „В края на краищата, без еротика няма човечество… Търсенето на рецепта за еротика универсалис е като търсене на рецепта за щастие универсалис – съществува хипотетично, но е непостижимо. Всеки е длъжен да изработи своето щастие, а като художник – да навлезе в тази територия, която ще му дава гориво и ресурси дълги години“, коментира по повод изложбата Олимпия Даниел.

Erotica Universalis. vol 2.0 Paintings & Drawings

April 24, 2019

"EU* | Erotica Universalis" - VOL 2.0 Paintings & Drawings е второто представяне на еротичната изложба, което ще се случи в Галерия DORIAN Плевен. В тази изложба за първи път ще бъдат представени рисунки на авторите, в които те осовобождават нови мисли и художествени трансформации по темата.

След първата си изложба - "We never think of the future, it comes soon enough" / "Никога не мислим за бъдещето, то идва достатъчно бързо", художниците от група Answer 51 насочват вниманието си в посока на еротичното със своя втори проект "EU*| Erotica universalis". Авторите – КОНСТАНТИН КОСТОВ, ЯНА СТОЙЧЕВА, ТРЕПКА ПЕТКОВА, МИРОСЛАВ МИРОНОВ, МАРТА РАЙХЕЛ, МАЯ СТОЙКОВА и ТИНА ХАМЗЕ , СЕВЕРИНА ЕНЕВА


September 09, 2017

Video from the opening of the Answer 51's exhibition * Erotica Universalis . Presentation of the group's second collective exhibition for the first time in Stuble Gallery. The exhibition can be seen from 28 August till 15 September 2017.

28.08.2017 Opening footage: Valentin Slaveev


This catalogue is published on the
occasion of the exhibition
*Erotica Universalis
of the group ANSWER 51,
Publisher: ANSWER 51, Olimpia
Curator: Konstantin Kostov
Compiled by: Konstantin Kostov
Texts: Olympia Daniel, Valentin
Slaveev, artists
Reproductions: courtesy of the
Translation: Dina Stoev, Trepka
Design & Prepress: Konstantin
Design of the cover based on
photography by AWB
Print: Simolini 94 Ltd.
size 150/190/3
Printed in 150 copies
All rights reserved. © 2017
Sofia 2017

Young artists seek universal erotica / Students throw down the gauntlet to Gustave Courbet

September 01, 2017

An exhibition of paintings entitled Erotica Universalis has been opened at the Stubel Art Gallery in Sofia. This is the second group exhibition for the Answer 51 group of artists. All nine of its members have been trained by Prof. Andrey Daniel of the National Academy of Art – eight former students and one current. These are Konstantin Kostov, Yana Stoycheva, Trepka Petkova, Miroslav Mironov, Marta Rayhel, Dina Stoeva, Maya Stoykova, Tina Hamze and Severina Danielova. They launched the art group in 2016 with an exhibition entitled We Never Think of the Future. It Comes Soon Enough.

Following the future that always comes soon enough, the young artists now explore the theme of erotica – the next “opponent” worth delving into. And so they immerse themselves in the task with the fearless and daring approach of an explorer unafraid to step into the unknown, armed with the power of observation, knowledge and intuition, unburdened by a fear of infection and led by a sense of fulfilling their duty to humanity. After all, without erotica, there would be no humankind. 

Seeking a recipe for erotica universalis is like looking for a recipe for happiness universalis – hypothetically possible, but practically unattainable. Every person must construct their own happiness and, as an artist – to enter that territory that will give them energy and resources for years ahead. They must find their modus vivendi, create their own formula, which would be soothing and sweet to some, but bitter and toxic to others. Artists should be able to flirt with their demons, to test and tame them, or to surrender to them. And all this is in the name of art... and its audience. Undoubtedly, the results we see in this case are new, powerful and memorable paintings, true poetry. And if somebody surmises that the artists are throwing down the gauntlet to Gustave Courbet (L'Origine du monde, 1866, Musee d'Orsay, Paris), this person will have to recognise how skilfully this is done and will sense that they obey only the principle of freedom, writes curator Olympia Niko­lova-Daniel, wife of Prof. Andrey Daniel. In the late 1860s, Courbet, the founder of the Realism movement in French painting, created The Origin of the World series of pictures depicting female genitalia, which was banned from public showing at the time. 

The Erotica Universalis exhibition by the Answer 51 group of young artists will remain open until 15 September.


August 27, 2017

''I am fifty years old and I have always lived in freedom; let me end my life free; when I am dead let this be said of me: 'He belonged to no school, to no church, to no institution, to no academy, least of all to any régime except the régime of liberty.''

Gustave Courbet

“Erotica Universalis” is the new and second theme presented by group Answer 51. After the future that comes soon enough, Erotica is the next worthy opponent who deserves deep exploration. And they do explore it- each one of them, alone and fearless, like the traveller who is not afraid to enter the unknown, with observation, knowledge and intuition, without fear of contamination, with strong feel of duty against humanity. After all there is no erotica, if there is no humanity.

Searching for a recipe in this erotica universalis is like looking for one that can be described as happiness universalis - there is the hypothetical and unreachable, but everyone must work hard for it. As an artist, they must enter this territory, full of fuel and resources, that’s always available. They must find their modus vivendi for the perfect perception. For some it is curing and sweet, but for others-bitter and poisonous. As artists they also must be able to play with their demons, to taste and tame them, or let the demons consume them. All of this in the name of art… and the audience. There is no doubt that the result is new, strong and memorable paintings. New poetry. And if someone is able to see that glove thrown at Kurbe (L’Origine du monde) 1866, Musee d’Orsay, Paris, they will admit, that it’s done with a lot of talent and will also feel, it is adherent only to the freedom regime.

Olympia Daniel

Paris, 2017


August 25, 2017

An exhibition of paintings entitled Erotica Universalis has been opened at the Stubel Art Gallery in Sofia. This is the second group exhibition for the Answer 51 group of artists. All nine of its members have been trained by Prof. Andrey Daniel of the National Academy of Art – eight former students and one current. These are Konstantin Kostov, Yana Stoycheva, Trepka Petkova, Miroslav Mironov, Marta Rayhel, Dina Stoeva, Maya Stoykova, Tina Hamze and Severina Danielova. They launched the art group in 2016 with an exhibition entitled We Never Think of the Future. It Comes Soon Enough.

Following the future that always comes soon enough, the young artists now explore the theme of erotica – the next “opponent” worth delving into. And so they immerse themselves in the task with the fearless and daring approach of an explorer unafraid to step into the unknown, armed with the power of observation, knowledge and intuition, unburdened by a fear of infection and led by a sense of fulfilling their duty to humanity. After all, without erotica, there would be no humankind. 

Seeking a recipe for erotica universalis is like looking for a recipe for happiness universalis – hypothetically possible, but practically unattainable. Every person must construct their own happiness and, as an artist – to enter that territory that will give them energy and resources for years ahead. They must find their modus vivendi, create their own formula, which would be soothing and sweet to some, but bitter and toxic to others. Artists should be able to flirt with their demons, to test and tame them, or to surrender to them. And all this is in the name of art... and its audience. Undoubtedly, the results we see in this case are new, powerful and memorable paintings, true poetry. And if somebody surmises that the artists are throwing down the gauntlet to Gustave Courbet (L'Origine du monde, 1866, Musee d'Orsay, Paris), this person will have to recognise how skilfully this is done and will sense that they obey only the principle of freedom, writes curator Olympia Niko­lova-Daniel, wife of Prof. Andrey Daniel. In the late 1860s, Courbet, the founder of the Realism movement in French painting, created The Origin of the World series of pictures depicting female genitalia, which was banned from public showing at the time. 

The Erotica Universalis exhibition by the Answer 51 group of young artists will remain open until 15 September.


August 19, 2017

The second exhibition of group Answer51 / Erotica Universalis starts this season in Stubel Art Gallery / Sofia / Bulgaria

Poetry night in the exhibition in VARNA

May 19, 2017

Tribute poetry book of the young author Valentin Slaveev (friend of the group Answer51)  was presented at 20th of May into the exhibition halls of City Art Gallery Varna! You can see more by clicking the button below..

The Night of Museums and Galleries in VARNA

May 19, 2017

The exibition will be part of the program "Night of museums and galleries in Varna 2017"

ANSWER51 exhibition in VARNA

May 01, 2017

The group Answer51 will present the exhibition WE NEVER THINK IN THE FUTURE. IT COMES SOON ENOUGH. at the exhibition halls of City Art Gallery Varna this May. The exhibition will be open on 5th of May at 18:00 h and can be visited until 24th of May. We are looking forward seeing you!


September 29, 2016

ANSWER 51 proudly announce that The Exhibition "WE NEVER THINK OF THE FUTURE. IT COMES SOON ENOUGH" will be presented at "Resonnans Gallery" in Plovdiv from 29 november until 15 december 2016

Alma MaterTV / Atelie present ANSWER51 this sunday!

September 15, 2016

What makes young artists to gather in a group and what is their purpose? How to make an exhibition and how to make a painting?
Watch in the ATELIE presentation of artists from group ANSWER 51.

Sunday, September 18
13.00 h on BNT 2
23.10 h on BNT World


The exhibition WE NEVER THINK OF THE FUTURE. IT COMES SOON ENOUGH / NEVER think of the future. It comes soon enough Gallery "Yuzina" is now closed.

July 31, 2016

NSWER  51 wishes you a nice summer!

The exhibition WE NEVER THINK OF THE FUTURE. IT COMES SOON ENOUGH / NEVER think of the future. It comes soon enough Gallery "Yuzina" is now closed.
Thank you all for the support and attitude towards what we do! :)

Expect us again after the summer.

Daniela Radeva for : ОТГОВОРЪТ НА АТЕЛИЕ 51

July 22, 2016

Talk of Daniela Radeva Konstantin Kostov after the first exhibition of the group of young painters Answer 51 in the gallery "Yuzina" in Sofia, which lasts until July 31, 2016 It involves Konstantin Kostov Jana Stoicheva, quivering Petkova, MiroslavMironov, Martha Raichel, Dina Stoeva, Maya Stoykova and Tina Hamza


Разговор на Даниела Радева с Константин Костов след първата изложба на групата млади живописци Answer 51 в галерия „Юзина” в София, която продължава до 31 юли, 2016 г. В нея участват: Константин Костов, Яна Стойчева, Трепка Петкова, Мирослав Миронов, Марта Райхел, Дина Стоева, Мая Стойкова и Тина Хамзе.

РЕФЛЕКСИИ: „Answer 51” - Никога не мислим за бъдещето. То идва достатъчно бързо

July 25, 2016

In front of the holiday period on the art scene in Bulgaria in which we used not to be on the lookout something happened surprising - the newly group "Answer 51" presented their debut project gallery "Yuzina" in Sofia / exhibition continues until July 31 - b. p. /, which attracted the attention not only of the artists. He writes about "" the young philosopher and poet Valentin Slaveev, one of the friends group



В предваканционния период за художествената сцена в България, през който сме свикнали да не бъдем нащрек се случи нещо изненадващо - новосформиралата се група „Answer 51“ представи своя дебютен проект в галерия „Юзина” в София /изложбата продължава до 31 юли – б. р./, с което привлече вниманието не само на художниците. Пише за „въпреки.com” младият философ и поет Валентин Славеев, който е сред приятелите на групата


July 21, 2016

ANSWER 51 invites you to a poetic reading "Friends Group":

Welcome to plunge into the atmosphere of poetry and painting in the halls of the gallery "Yuzina" where are the works of the exhibition of the group Answer 51: WE NEVER THINK OF THE FUTURE. IT COMES SOON ENOUGH / NEVER think of the future. It comes soon enough

Articcle for the exhibition in "Literaturen vestnik"

August 08, 2016

Literary Newspaper studded with 51 ANSWER :)
The summer issue of the literary journal (Number 28 13-19.07.2016, Yr. 25) presents the exhibition reproductions of WE NEVER THINK OF THE FUTURE. IT COMES SOON ENOUGH
Thanks to the entire team of LV and Valentin Slaveev the wonderful text on p. 6 "The future comes soon enough" for the exhibition!

Литературен вестник осеян с ANSWER 51 :)

Летният брой на литературен вестник (Брой 28, 13-19.07.2016, Год. 25) представя репродукции от изложбата WE NEVER THINK OF THE FUTURE. IT COMES SOON ENOUGH

Благодарности на целия екип на ЛВ, както и на Валентин Славеев за прекрасния текст на стр. 6 "Бъдещето идва достатъчно бързо" за изложбата!

група ANSWER 51 на гости на предаването "Графити по въздуха" с водещ Светлана Дичева по Програма Хоризонт на БНР. Яна Стойчева и Константин Костов разказват за изложбата WE NEVER THINK OF THE FUTURE. IT COMES SOON ENOUGH

July 06, 2016

ANSWER51  guest on the show "Graffiti air", hosted by Svetlana Dicheva Program Horizon BNR. Yana Stoicheva and Konstantin Kostov told of the exhibition WE NEVER THINK OF THE FUTURE. IT COMES SOON ENOUGH


група ANSWER 51 на гости на предаването "Графити по въздуха" с водещ Светлана Дичева по Програма Хоризонт на БНР. Яна Стойчева и Константин Костов разказват за изложбата WE NEVER THINK OF THE FUTURE. IT COMES SOON ENOUGH


July 05, 2016

The opening of the exhibition WE NEVER THINK OF THE FUTURE. IT COMES SOON ENOUGH of group ANSWER 51 was on 6th of July in halls of Yuzina Art Gallery, Sofia, Bulgaria 

Thanks for all support and greets we recieve!

photography by Antonio Georgiev-Hadjihristov

CATALOUGE of group ANSER 51 / available NOW

July 04, 2016


Available NOW Online as PDF

Published by "Answer51" c 2016

Design & Preprint by Konstantin Kostov

Special thanks for Olimpia Nikolova-Daniel - producer and co.publisher


June 21, 2016


The exhibition will open at 06 July in Yuzina Art Gallery, Sofia, 11 Moskovska Str.

About this first project:

To compile images of the future, while not necessarily thinking about the future – that is the starting point, although it goes along with all the complications on the path of accomplishing a pre-set utopia. The title of the exhibition was provoked by a statement of Albert Einstein that has become an aphorism. Upon his first visit to New York he was met by a group of American journalists. As he mainly spoke German, volunteers had to translate for the interview. At the end, the interviewers asked him whether he expected the interview to be the challenge that it had been. He said “I never think of the future, it comes soon enough”. This reply is transformed into a question in the forthcoming exhibition of a group of young artists - a question of perceiving the future, of foreseeing or materializing it. That exploration of the future is posed alternatively in two senses – on the one hand seeking and affirming one’s own future, on the other hand - the parameters and measures of what awaits all of us.

curator Konstantin Kostov

Group ANSWER 51 was founded!

January 14, 2016

ANSWER: 51 is a group of young artists working in painting and sharing common views on contemporary art.


The group name "Answer: 51" could easily mislead the authors that sit behind it intend to provide answers through his art. Surprise in the name you have chosen to unite us refer to an excerpt from the novel by Douglas Adams' Guide glakticheskiya hitchhiker " in which an advanced civilization built a super computer to get an answer to the question" What is the answer to the meaning of the universe, life and everything?". As long as the computer after many calculations manages to ANSWER only "42," and if you want a more comprehensive answer to this question calls for a much more complex machine in which Douglas Adams acknowledged the human.

    Such a response like this from the book: "42" is our - "51" - the number of the studio at the Art Academy, which was the occasion for meetings and talks on art of our young painters. "Answer: 51" But instead response becomes a generator of issues, one of which is "Do we think about the future and  is it comes fast enough?".

    participants in the group:









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